아이패드 미니6

2021. 11. 3. 10:59IT리뷰




오늘 여러분께 이야기 할 것은 (2021) 아이패드 미니 입니다.

Today we are going to talk to you about the (2021) iPad mini.

제가 그림 그리는데 좋을까 라는 주제로 이야기를 하겠다 라고 했었는데 그래서 제가 한번 이야기좀 해 보려구요. 

I said I'd like to talk on the topic of whether it's good for drawing, so I'm going to talk a little bit.

제가 갤럭시 탭 A8.0을 가지고 그림을 그려 봤었습니다.

I drew a picture with the Galaxy Tab A8.0.

기본으로 들어가 있는 것으로 그려봤는데, 너무 펜이 얇아서 인가 모르겠는데 레터박스... 아니 베젤이 너무 두꺼워서 인가 가로로 놔두면 그림 그리는데 불편했습니다.

I tried to draw with the default one, but I don't know if it's because the pen is too thin, but letterbox... No, the bezel is too thick, so it was inconvenient to draw if I left it horizontally.

마치 (2019) 아이패드 미니로 그림을 그리는 듯한 느낌이라고 해야 할까요?

Should I say that it feels like drawing on the (2019) iPad mini?

근데 (2021) 아이패드 미니는 불편할 줄 알았는데 나름 또 써보니까 그것보다는 베젤이 얇디 얇아서 그런가 그림그리기는 나쁘지 않았고요.

But (2021) I thought the iPad mini would be uncomfortable, but after using it again, the bezel was thinner and thinner than that, so the drawing wasn't bad.

 또 자꾸 보면 볼수록 삼성 애니콜 갤럭시 탭을 보는 느낌입니다. 

And the more I look at it, the more I feel like I'm looking at the Samsung Anycall Galaxy Tab.

작고 아담하고 귀여운데다 지켜주고 싶은(?) 그런 느낌은 있고, 그림그리는데는 가볍기도 하고 작으니까 휴대도 편하고... 그래서 좋아 보입니다.

It's small and cute and cute, and there's a feeling of wanting to protect it (?), and it's light and small for drawing, so it's easy to carry... So it looks good.

오늘 제가 이렇게 한국어 밑에 영어를 바로 놔둔 이유는 딱히 없는데요.

There is no particular reason why I put English right under Korean today.

영어로만 올리려다가 이것도 나름 번역기 돌려야 해서 힘들지만요.

I tried to upload it only in English, but it is difficult because I have to use a translator for this one.

그래도 업로드 하기는 좋아요.

It's nice to upload though.

그림그리는데 프로는 너무나도 좋은 기기인데 비싸고 에어를 사기엔 휴대가... 그렇다고 세대버전을 사자니 그렇고 그럼 딱인게 미니 같아요.

The Pro is a great device for drawing, but it's expensive and portable to buy an Air... But if you're buying the next-generation version, then it's like a mini.

A15에... 칩셋은 빠르지... 펜슬 능력도 좋지... 아주 나이스 입니다.

On the A15... the chipset is fast... the pencil is good... very nice.

제가 안써봐서 모르겠는데 애플펜슬 2세대는 미니로 그리다가 바로 에어로 넘어가서 그리는게 가능 할 것으로 예상하는데 그래서 좋긴 하네요.

I don't know because I haven't tried it, but I expect that the second generation of Apple Pencil will be able to draw with a mini and then go directly to the air, so it's good.


The end.


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